G-Suite Administrator Issues with Spanning Backup Incident August 20th, 2020

Regarding issues with the Spanning Backup for G Suite Administrator UI after August 20th, 2020 incident affecting G Suite Services.


What happened?

Administrators of Spanning Backup are not able to access the Administrator View of the Spanning Backup for G Suite Product.  Users are able to log in an access data, but Administrators do not have their access.  This issue is an authentication problem on Google's end based on the calls we are making to Google. 


How did this happen?

Google made a code change that stopped accepting Upper Case Parameters in their Directory API Calls. This change was not communicated to vendors or publicly announced resulting in Spanning not able to proactively adjust. 

Example: Google formerly accepted “ADMIN_VIEW” or "admin_view" as a valid parameter in a critical authentication call prior to August 20th, 2020.  Now it only accepts: "admin_view" specifically in lower case. 


When will this resolve?

Spanning has confirmed this unplanned API change with Google and has implemented a code change as of Aug 24th that already resolved this issue.  Administrators should be able to log in successfully at this time.  If not, please attempt to clear your browser cache and try again.


Is my Backup data affected? 

  • Running Backups have not been affected by this change.  They have continued to run as expected and are recoverable. 
  • Existing data in Spanning Backup for G Suite has not been affected by this change.  Users who can log in are able to recover data without issue. 
  • This change only impacted authentication access to the Administrator UI/View of the product


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