Spanning Backup bulk restore allows the user to undo a delete or update in bulk quickly, easily, and automatically from a specified point-in-time.
When using the bulk restore feature to restore updated or deleted items (whether currently in the recycle bin or permanently deleted), the user can restore all items in an object type at once, and choose whether or not to restore the related "child-grandchild" items when restoring the "parent" item.
To use the bulk restore feature, follow the steps below:
1. Log into your Spanning Backup for Salesforce account.
2. Click the "Restore" button on the main dashboard.
3. Select if you want to restore your data back into the same org, or a different org. If you want to restore data to a different org, please see How do I perform a cross-org restore?.
4. Select the Object Type that you want to restore. (Note, that if you want to upload a CSV of your object IDs to select which objects to restore, please see Can I restore Salesforce data by importing a CSV file?.)
5. Select the desired date range, and whether you want to display items that were updated, deleted, or both.
6. Select the items that you would like to restore. You can select as many items as you like to be included in the restore action. Additionally, you can preview the item by clicking the "Preview" button before you restore the data. When ready, click Next.
7. Choose whether or not to include child objects in the restore.
8. If you would like to restore specific fields for updated records instead of restoring all fields, check the “Restore specific fields of updated records” option. Then, select the Object Type and fields that you want to restore.
9. If you would like to overwrite any of the values of desired fields during the restore, check the "Overwrite field values" option. Select the fields that you want to overwrite and then input the values you want to be inserted. Alternatively, you can choose “Saved Preset” if you would like to reuse saved overwrite values. Click Can I save my selections for overwriting field values to use them again in future restores? to learn more about saving overwrite values to reuse them for future restores. When ready, click Next. For more information on example use cases to overwrite field values during the restore process, please see this Can I save my selections for overwriting field values to use them again in future restores?:
10. Confirm the pending changes. When ready, click Restore.
The selected data will then be restored into your Salesforce instance.
If you would like additional information about this restore process, please watch this video: