Why has my Salesforce storage limit been reached?

When using Spanning to perform a bulk restore in your Salesforce organization, Spanning is inputting new data into your instance.  Sometimes, this new data will push your org over the allotted storage limit, which will cause the restore to not fully complete due to a "Salesforce storage limit has been reached" error.  Spanning will not be able to perform any additional restore operations until some space is freed up in your Salesforce org.

Before initiating a restore, you can ensure that your org is prepared by checking its current storage status, by following these steps:

1. Log into your Salesforce account as the admin user
2. Click the 'Setup' button in the upper-right corner of the screen
3. Navigate to Data Management > Storage Usage

Here, you will see the current storage limit for your org, and the amount currently being used.

If you have any additional questions, please email Spanning Support

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