How do I reduce bulk restore errors using Related Object Types?

The most common cause of errors while performing bulk restores of records is missing related (reference) records, in the target Salesforce org, for the items you have chosen to restore.  To help identify the related records, Spanning displays the related object types, for the chosen records, on the "Restore Settings" page shown below:


A few tips:

  • The "Related Object Types" panel displays the object types of the items you have chosen to restore and displays specific fields that are related to other "Object Types".  To prevent restore issues, please ensure that the related records are in the target Salesforce org before you initiate the bulk restore.  
  • If you're uploading a CSV for the bulk restore, you can include the related records in the CSV file and restore everything together.
  • If the related records field values are not required, you can choose to overwrite the field values using blank values.  Doing this will break the referential integrity of the data, so be careful when choosing this option.
  • For records related by master-detail relationship, you can choose to automatically restore child records during the restore.

Please contact Support if you have any questions.

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