Note: Azure has added another way to control application visibility documented here: This article is still relevant, but some some organizations may prefer an alternate approach.
Admins have the ability to help customers access Spanning Backup more easily from their Office 365 web console by creating a custom application “tile” which their users can pin to the application launcher as shown below*.
Please note that the New Admin Center and the Old Admin Center differ slightly in navigation to add this tile. Instructions for both are below:
If you are using the New Admin Center, follow the instructions below:
1. Log into your Office 365 Admin Console as the admin user, from the following link:
2. Select "Organization Profile" from the left-column menu.
3. Select Edit next to the 'Add Custom Tiles for Your Organization' section. Note: If you do not see the "Add custom tiles..." section the account you are using may not have an Exchange Mailbox.
4. Click 'Add a Custom Tile'.
5. Enter the following values:
Tile Name: 'Spanning' or 'Spanning Backup'
Description: Spanning Backup
Image URL:
6. Click Save.
If you are using the Old Admin Center, follow the instructions below:
Note that this is a tenant wide setting and will be shown for all users when they select “View all my apps”.
To enable this tile, please follow the steps below:
1. Log into your Office 365 Admin Console as the admin user, from the following link:
2. Select "Company Profile" from the left-hand navigation menu
3. Select "Custom Tiles". Note: If you do not see the "Custom tiles" option the account you are using may not have an Exchange Mailbox.
4. Select the "+" button to add a custom tile
5. Set the following values:
Tile Name: 'Spanning' or 'Spanning Backup'
Description: Spanning Backup
Image URL:
6. Click Submit.
Note, that this new tile will appear in only the 'My Apps' list for your users, which can be found by expanding the app launcher tiles and clicking the "View All My Apps" button. In order for the Spanning Backup tile to appear in each user's tile list, each user must select "Pin to App Launcher" in the All Apps screen.
If you have any additional questions, please reach out to