- How do I register for a helpdesk account?
- How do I install and configure Spanning Backup for Office 365?
- You need to Authorize Spanning Backup on this tenant to proceed
- Show and Hide the Spanning Application Tile
- New TAP Module Status Indicators
- Enable Teams Channel Conversation Backup
- VSA and UniView Office 365 Backup TAP Module Releases
- Spanning Backup for Office 365 Releases
- IT Complete Single Sign-On
- Customer Managed Encryption Key or BYOK
- Restore OneNote Notebooks
- Tenant Wide Retention
- How do I configure Error Only Email?
- How can I view the backup history in Spanning Backup for Microsoft 365?
- Why do I have to re-authorize Spanning Backup for Office 365 with Microsoft to provide additional permissions?
- What is problem code 14021?
- How can I assign Spanning Licenses with PowerShell?
- How do daily status notifications work in Spanning Backup for Office 365?
- Can end users use Spanning Backup for Office 365?
- How do I select the data center where my backed up data is stored?
- Does Spanning Backup for Office 365 have a Public API?
- Why are new tenant users not listed in my license manager?
- Can I add additional users to administer Spanning Backup for Office 365?
- How do I revoke Spanning's access to my Office 365 tenant?
- How do I use the Activity tab?
- What happens if the administrator account that authorized Spanning Backup for Office 365 is deleted?
- How do I add Spanning Backup for Office 365 tile to the App Launcher?
- How do I monitor Office 365 backup errors?
- How many tenant users can I activate during my trial?
- Who can administer Spanning Backup for Office 365?